Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do you ever go through stages where you don't feel like writing? Nothing great or bad has happened? Well, I am there now.

I have read four books lately. I have started 3 afgans, and I find new yarn...and start another one. Yep, I have learned how to crochet. :)

I love to read. Nothing good is ever on TV...I have read two Emily Griffin books. Something Blue, and Baby Proof. Great Books. I have read Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Knitting and Divorced. Funny book...She gets divored, and drinks wine, kints, and discovers herself. I have read Sophie Kinsella's Can you keep a secret? Best book of them all. She blabs her whole life story to a stranger on a plane when she thinks they are going to crash and die. Funny turns out is the CEO of the company that she works for. FUNNY. I have bought two more books...getting ready to start those. Wow, Mom, I love to read when I find books that interest me!

Hope and Miguel live with us now.

Bishop is a pre-teen. I love it. He says the funniest stuff!

Well, I will write more later.

1 comment:

EE said...

So glad that you are back in the blogging world!
I'm going to check out a few of those books...they sound fun.
You've got 2 more people in your house? How is that going?